Volume 2, Issue 1, 2018


Stakeholders’ satisfaction from a new management information system to confront the phenomenon of student absences

Constantinos A. Georgiadis, Public Vocational Training Institute, Greece
Published online: 27 April 2018, JCETR, 2(1), pp. 3-8.

URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-190930, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3598402

Abstract: This paper proposes an Educational Management Information System (EMIS) that organizes all the administrative procedures with respect to monitoring school absences so that the related products have the same legal effect as the traditional procedures. The proposed EMIS covers the obligation of the Administration for complete, immediate and accurate information addressed to parents, reduces the operation cost of updating parents, removes workload from teachers, produces related documents with accuracy, provides the Administration with proper tools able to monitor student attendance and the tasks that the involved personnel has to accomplish. Based on the above-mentioned EMIS, we measure the satisfaction of all stakeholders, i.e., parents, teachers and executives using three types of questionnaires. Our results indicate that the proposed EMIS (a) satisfies the Administration’s obligation for keeping the parents informed with thorough, immediate and accurate information, (b) reduces the operational cost of parental updates, and (c) reduces the workload of teachers. Future work is also proposed.

Keywords: School, secondary education, administrative procedures, student absences, attendance monitoring, administrative information system

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Educational robotics application in primary and secondary education: A challenge for the Greek teachers society  

Sevasti Karypi, Ministry of Education, Greece
Published online: 27 April 2018, JCETR, 2(1), pp. 9-14.

URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-190946, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3598423

Abstract: This paper presents the results of a postgraduate study that was designed to investigate the attitudes and views of Greek teachers in primary and secondary education on the application of Educational Robotics (ER), towards the goal of drawing useful insights on how it can be further integrated in Greek schools. A total of 70 teachers participated in this study, currently working for primary and secondary schools in Greece and being involved in ER projects and ER-related activities. According to the research findings, ER has significant benefits for students and educators, as it fosters positive attitudes towards STEM education, encourages independent and active learning, facilitates teaching, and provides opportunities for the development of cognitive, social and communication skills. However, factors such as the lack of funding and physical infrastructure, the inadequate training of teachers and curriculum scheduling inflexibility, hinder its application. Thus, several structural and procedural actions should be taken in order to further integrate ER in Greek schools.

Keywords: Educational Robotics, schools, teachers, ER integration, Greek schools

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Participatory – collaborative administration of a school unit – the role of the Teachers’ Council

Koutsiai Georgia, High School of Tsaritsani, Greece
Ioannidou Irene, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece

Published online: 27 April 2018, JCETR, 2(1), pp. 15-20.

URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-189631, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3598446

Abstract: The present project refers to the results of a quantitative research performed throughout the region of Larisa about the application of participatory administration in Greek schools. More specifically, it concerns the participation of the Teachers’ Council in decision making on subjects revolving around the function and administration of a school in Greece (our country), all according to the European educational and political expansion of democratic and participatory processes. The results showed that, on its majority, participatory administration is applied, and that is quite satisfactory. Decisions on subjects regarding school function are mostly collaborative and followed by all members of the Teachers’ Council, who declared that only sometimes are they called to validate a principal’s already taken settlement. However, most educators are adamant on the need to improve the role of the Teachers’ Council, proposing mostly the right election of scholar administrators, the need for clear separation of jurisdiction between teachers and principals, the offer of motive and the possibility of bigger flexibility in school units.

Keywords: Leadership, administration, participatory administration, decision-taking, effectiveness

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Art, cultural heritage and parent counselling activities, as pioneering practices for kindergarten class management

Eleni A. Bourotzoglou, Preschool Division, Greece
Published online: 27 April 2018, JCETR, 2(1), pp. 21-26.

URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-189644, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3598462

Abstract: The article is a teaching proposal of a great practical use. It discusses kindergarten class management, based on bibliographic review. It presents nine innovative Art activities, in order to manage the behavioral and emotional difficulties of the kids. It is considered whether it has been possible to replace traditional classroom management practices (such as exclusion from a popular activity, punishment, zero tolerance to acts opposing the rules of the class and consequences of bad actions) with the pioneering class management practices through Art activities. Four Art activities are presented on the article, where Art was utilized as a means of expression, communication and improvement of the behavior of children. Moreover, five Art activities with Parent Counseling are presented. Two of these Art activities with Parent Counseling (in the prehistoric hall of the Museum of Drama and in the ancient Agora of Philippi) engaged children in their Cultural Heritage, having parents as models of respect for the ancient monuments. In conclusion, the nine innovative Art activities developed the subjects of Kindergarten, kept the interest of the children undiminished and contributed to the progressive management of the classroom.

Keywords: Art, Cultural Heritage, Class Management, Kindergarten, Parent Counseling

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Trait emotional intelligence and achievement goals in EFL

Georgia P. Kourakou, Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, Greece
Published online: 27 April 2018, JCETR, 2(1), pp. 27-37.

URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-188516, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3598471

Abstract: This study was designed to investigate the relation of Trait Emotional Intelligence with student achievement goals in the context of English as a Foreign Language. Given the challenging nature of EFL, the importance attached to teachers’ emotions as the basis of a psychologically secure and motivating learning environment and students’ achievement goals as a key concept for positive academic results, the present research sought to fill in a gap in the literature, shed light on the nature of the constructs as well as their potential association and broaden the knowledge base of this field of research thus facilitating Foreign Language teaching and learning. Twenty-seven in-service EFL teachers working in secondary education and their 531 students from various schools in the prefecture of Trikala participated in the present research. The results showed that teachers’ Trait Emotional Intelligence failed to predict which type of goals students would pursue. It was also revealed that students’ Trait Emotional Intelligence positively correlated with mastery-approach, mastery-avoidance and performance-approach goals whereas it negatively correlated with performance-avoidance goals.

Keywords: Trait Emotional Intelligence, Achievement Goal Theory, English as a Foreign Language

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Train the Robotic Trainers methodology

Apostolos Tsagaris, Alexander Technological Institution of Thessaloniki, Greece
Maria Chatzikyrkou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ioanna Simeli, University of the Aegean, Greece

Published online: 27 April 2018, JCETR, 2(1), pp. 38-42.

URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-188400, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3598476

Abstract: This work reflects the importance of a methodology for robotic train the trainer’s education program, through the aspects of teaching pedagogy, technology and the basic principles of robotics. To achieve this, a methodology is included that contains a sequence of educational processes and applications focused on modern training techniques. Learners are invited to attend a theoretical background of the program for two days (first weekend) with traditional training methods, and then for four weeks using e-learning techniques they study the material, interact with the teacher and submit their work for evaluation. Afterwards in the second weekend, the training is completed and the trainees are closing the program with a micro teaching example. Upon completion of the program, each trainee completes a short questionnaire from which his / her motivation to participate and his / her satisfaction from his / her participation arise. In the course of the survey, 85 trainees participated, and from the questionnaire’s work, the overwhelming majority is very satisfied, which highlights this methodology and determines it to be fully operational, reliable and efficient.

Keywords: Robotics, Train the Trainers

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