Open learning model architecture in higher education
Ilona Lukoševičiutė-Noreikienė, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania
Published online: 30 May 2020, JCETR, 4(1), pp. 28-33.
URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-193118, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3769692
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Purpose: A new type of question is becoming relevant for higher education institutions: how to organize the teaching process in an innovative way so that it guarantees high-quality teaching / learning results? Open learning is integral to ensuring the path to the implementation of innovative and high-quality study programs. In order to implement this idea, the problem of education arises and the questions that this article will try to answer: what are the parameters of the open learning process and what are the techniques for their recognition?
Methods: For problem investigation, scientific literature analysis and critical systemic analysis methods are be applied.
Results: Theoretical research allows to define the concept of open teaching / learning and identify its main characteristic, dimensions of recognition and their research criteria. The results of the theoretical research allow to assume that open teaching/learning environment plays an important role in open learning/teaching.
Implications: The matrix of the open learning process created in the article allows for the qualitative and innovative design of open learning studies in higher education. Using this matrix, it is planned to apply in practice the organization of studies at the university, focusing on the evaluation of the quality of implementation and teaching / learning outcomes.
Open teaching/learning, cooperative learning, learner self-directedness/autonomy
JEL Classification: I12, I20, I28