Applying balanced scorecard methodology in public sector: The case of a vocational school in Greece
Marianthi I. Mylona, 1st VUSS (Vocational Upper Secondary School) of Acharnes, Greece
Stefanos Α. Charachousos, 2nd Evening VUSS (Vocational Upper Secondary School) of Piraeus, Greece
Alexandros I. Mylonas, 1st VUSS (Upper Secondary School) of Ag.Varvara, Greece
Aggeliki D. Vourderi and Panagiotis K. Theodorou, 5th LC (Laboratory Center) of East Attica, Greece
Published online: 19 October 2018, JCETR, 2(2), pp. 9-15.
URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-190893, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3598583
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Abstract: Balanced Scorecard is a very important tool for management and evaluation of the long-term organization strategy, which simultaneously observes the improvements at the efficient function, exploiting the most of the organization’s potentials and diffusing the progress to all the employees. The implementation of Balanced Scorecard took place at the 5th Laboratory Centre (LC) of East Attica during the school year 2016-17, after the goals had been set and the measurement indicators had been defined by the school’s administration stuff (School Head, Deputy School Head, Teachers responsible for LC Sectors, Teachers responsible for Direction Laboratories, Teachers Board). The results indicated that the vision, the objectives and the overall strategy of the organization had been clarified and communicated to all customers. The administrative control of the progress of the procedures was more effective and the daily actions were connected with the objectives of the organization. Also it is important that all employees aligned with the organization’s long-term strategy, and, furthermore, redesigning the model was possible. In the long term the appropriate background for the ongoing development of the organization and its effectiveness improvement in a constantly changing environment was created.
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Change Management, Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Laboratory Centre, Vocational Education