Train the Robotic Trainers methodology
Apostolos Tsagaris, Alexander Technological Institution of Thessaloniki, Greece
Maria Chatzikyrkou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ioanna Simeli, University of the Aegean, Greece
Published online: 27 April 2018, JCETR, 2(1), pp. 38-42.
URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-188400, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3598476
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Abstract: This work reflects the importance of a methodology for robotic train the trainer’s education program, through the aspects of teaching pedagogy, technology and the basic principles of robotics. To achieve this, a methodology is included that contains a sequence of educational processes and applications focused on modern training techniques. Learners are invited to attend a theoretical background of the program for two days (first weekend) with traditional training methods, and then for four weeks using e-learning techniques they study the material, interact with the teacher and submit their work for evaluation. Afterwards in the second weekend, the training is completed and the trainees are closing the program with a micro teaching example. Upon completion of the program, each trainee completes a short questionnaire from which his / her motivation to participate and his / her satisfaction from his / her participation arise. In the course of the survey, 85 trainees participated, and from the questionnaire’s work, the overwhelming majority is very satisfied, which highlights this methodology and determines it to be fully operational, reliable and efficient.
Keywords: Robotics, Train the Trainers